Our Approach
Our Approach
Wearing The Right C.A.P. LLC works with individuals and independent contractors who may be frustrated with their inability to work to their full potential because they are not in the right place. Together we pinpoint your right place, assignment and environment. Then we create a personalized S.O.I. (Sphere of Influence) Map© to help you will thrive in and not just survive in your area of impact.
We also help organizations create a customized Person-Organization FIT Congruence Plan because they want to hire people who are a RIGHT FIT and Tailor Made for their company or organization. Robin developed the PAGS Approach™ to Profit System© and assessments to help small business owners with misplaced people, leaders and teams GET F.I.T.: Find Fulfillment, Make an Impact and Rule a Territory to accomplish a greater purpose in business.
The 3 areas covered to help businesses and organizations get aligned to attract the right people include Talent Management, Employee Engagement (Culture Fit), and Employee Selection and Performance.
Robin Kegler is Founder and CEO of Wearing The Right C.A.P. LLC, an innovative placement and reposition strategist and consultant for independent contractors, companies and organizations who want to hire or work with the Right People who are Tailor Made for their business and skill set.
Our process and assessment tools have been featured on The WORD Network, WNJC 1360 AM and others. As an independent contractor since 2005, she has shown small businesses, non-profits and individuals how to GET F.I.T.: Find Fulfillment Make an Impact and Rule a Territory using a proprietary system.
In addition to over 20 years in the education arena, Robin has 10 years of HR experience. She completes an M.S. degree in Psychology (Industrial/Organization concentration) in 2021 and on track for her Doctoral degree in Industrial/Organizational Psychology.